Whether you may or may not know, I’m a fan of Hello Game’s game, No Man’s Sky. It’s just a chill game I like to relax with.
A little while ago I had some time to play around with some ideas for desktop wallpapers that I wanted to see if I could execute well enough that I would want to put them up here. Well, I finally got around to polishing them off to display.
Anyways, the initial idea was to come up with some monochrome title scenes, so these following two concepts are the result of that exploration

The following two are an exploration where I tried to mash up sci-fi show title screens with the NMS title. Simple.
I started off with a couple of easy picks, Babylon 5 and Star Trek Discovery, but these may be expanded further if the muse inspires me.

All of these designs were created in Adobe Illustrator with a little dabbling in Photoshop here and there and took only a few hours.
If you want to have these on your own devices, feel free to download the set below.
In any case, let me know what you think of these and if you like them in the comments below. Also, mention any other title screens you think might work well with concept.
Cheers! :D
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