Another Polar Bear painting. I know I’ve done polar bears in the past but I’ve never tried painting one with watercolours and I felt like taking on a challenge.

It actually turned out to be more challenging than I thought and it came out more yellow than I wanted but hey, live and learn.
Unfortunately I also failed to take many process photos on this but I did capture a process video which will be out in a day or two, so there’s that to look forward to. 😜
Unfortunately, somehow after I plugged the external drive on which I normally store the video files I get from my video camera, the folder in which these videos were stored just disappeared. Poof! Just gone.
I have no idea how or why, but I’m trying to see if i can find and recover the files from the drive so I can make the video.
Hopefully it works
How do you think it looks? Lemme know!
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